Thai Teen Whore

From western point of view Thai girls have funny names. Translated to English they have funny meanings like animals or everyday life situations. However, some meanings of Thai girls’ names are pretty easy to understand such as Joy or Apple :-) Apple is a Bangkok girl who is making some extra cash by dancing nude in agogo bars. That where the busty Thai whore got picked up by a guy who calls himself Mister Kinkade. This horny senor is a professional porn actor. He and his dirty white camera team are on an eternal sex pilgrimage around Asia. They made a whole website out of this: Thai porn on Siam Slam. Apple is one of the few very busty Thai girls who acts for them. It’s bretty hard to find big Thai boobs as most Thai teens are rather petite and skinny, but Apple wins big for her large Thai boobs and her horny smile. A perfect Asian teen from Thailand.